Just Breathe...

Just Breathe...


One of the best and easiest things we can do to show ourselves some love is to concentrate on our breathing.  The video above is a great way to help you focus on a simple deep breathing technique.  How many of you have realized you take shallow breaths throughout the day?  My realization came when I felt like I wasn't breathing, but obviously, I was because I was still alive 🥴 and aware of the madness going on around me.  I was breathing, barely, by taking shallow breaths. 

It may sound too simple, but if you haven't already done so, take a few moments to breathe along with the video and mentally note how you feel afterward.  If you're sitting down, ensure your feet are flat on the floor and you are sitting up straight.

Start and end your day with deep breathing exercises.  Throughout the day, when you feel a little stressed or anxious, stop and take a few moments to concentrate on your breathing.  Feel free to return to this or any of my blog posts to help you concentrate on breathing deeply.

#theoandbren #aromatherapy #deepbreathing #meditation #yoga #personalaromatherapynasalinhalers 


"Be good to YOU!"


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